Mom of the Month

Friday, April 2, 2010
Posted by Rachel

Mom of the Month & Mom-preneur of the Month:
Dr. Ashley Thompson

 Ashley and her daughter have been doing StrollerFit every Wednesday for almost a year!  She is doing great and her daughter is so adorable!  Thanks Ashley for fixing my shoulder!
Here is what she has to say about StrollerFit and her job as a Chiropractor (you can read more on my website at

I had seen Tonya out promoting strollerfit before I was pregnant.  I always noticed she was energetic and thought it sounded like fun.  6 weeks after I had Joscelyn I decided to sign up for class.  As a mother that works full time I thought it would be a good way to get a work out in without having to drop my kid off at daycare.  I had no idea how great of a workout it would be.  It is like bootcamp but so much fun.  I lost my baby weight in 4 months plus a little extra.  I know that strollerfit will continue to help me lose the extra weight that has been hanging on since college.  I just wish I was able to go more often.
I am a chiropractor and am the only one in Wichita certified in family practice meaning I specialize in women and children.  I am certified in the Webster technique which is a technique used to help women with breech babies.  Getting adjusted during pregnancy helps most women have a lot easier labor and delivery and bounce back from childbirth alot quicker.
All strollerfit participants are welcome to a free exam and consultation.
Dr. Ashley Thompson
Drake Chiropractic
154 S. Rock Rd (across from town east)